Tuesday, February 26, 2013

In the race!!

Hey Folks!
You must have seen a mad rush of posts about '''urjnasw xkfjjkn''' - Wondering what it is?? Well, look no further! You have reached your answer!

urjnasw xkfjjkn is the hero of Class CSCE 670 at Texas A&M University in the Department of Computer Science. Every Tom, Dick and Harry of the class are currently trying to prove that they are urjnasw xkfjjkn!

urjnasw xkfjjkn is the character born on Feb 14th out of an SEO contest in the class. The competition seeks to find those entries in the web that make it to the top 10 in Google or Bing! Well, with the stiff competition from every member of the class, I am glad that making it to the top 10 only amounts to 5% of the total weight.....

The last time i googled urjnasw xkfjjkn, I found 662 entries! Whoop! And when I created this blog, to think there was just 1 entry!!

I am going to sign off now.. Will be back in a short while to make sure GOOGLE finds me!!

urjnasw xkfjjkn

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